Hi! My name is Goutham. And boy do I have a story for you....

From a very young age, I knew that I had an incredibly high sex drive. Unfortunately, I had no idea what to do with all that sexual energy. I'll be the first to admit, I was quite shy and nervous around girls growing up. My life felt like it was right out of an American Pie movie, complete with an extremely hot European exchange student I had a massive crush on.

So what did I do with all this pent up energy ? I focused it on playing poker and getting straight As through middle and high school. I got into my dream school - Yale. I thought I had it made. But I realized a few months into my first year that the Ivy league life just wasn't for me. So I dropped out, moved west and started playing professional poker. And thats when I met the woman that changed the course of my life...

She was a stripper at a Vegas club. Bisexual. Our chemistry was instant and through the roof. We were married within 4 months of meeting each other. Before I met my ex wife, I thought I had a pretty good idea of what I was doing in bed (like a lot of you). But man, I could not have been more wrong. Through our shared sexual adventures which included some crazy threesomes with her co workers, I got my first real window into female sexuality. My ex was amazing at knowing exactly what a woman wanted at any given point. I'd watch her give women 10, 20, up to 30 orgasms - something I never thought was even possible. Being the keen learner I always was, I made her teach me everything she knew. Before too long, I was able to do the same. Our relationship didn't last long, but it taught me a lot about female sexuality

I spent the subsequent years learning everything I could about human sexuality. I spent thousands of hours studying & practicing everything from tantra, dominance & BDSM to spirituality, reiki, sensual massage and more. All while running a successful mobile ads business on the side. I would give my friends sex tips, and they would always tell me to start a coaching business after telling me how my advice really helped them. So I finally bit the bullet and decided to start my own sex coaching business. And thats what brings me here!

I sincerely hope that I can help you become a more sexually confident being. I love coaching. It is something I feel I was born to do. My calling. So, don't hesitate to reach out ! I can't wait to get started on this journey with you!
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